EMNZ Animal (Newborn to Adult)

EM Animal is a probiotic as animals are born without a microbiome in the gut which leaves them prone to pathogens. A probiotic inoculates the gut with beneficial microbes which help the animal to remain healthy, beneficial microbes exclude pathogens by competitive exclusion.

Probiotcs also play a major role in the health and well-being of adult animals, they reduce susceptibility to pathogenic loads, help out-compete E-Coli and other contaminants, and reduce the load of pathogens re-entering the soil via excretia. They have been shown to have a positive effect on milk production and when fed to the animal during the last month of gestation, EM Animal may help prevent illnesses such as rotovirus.


EM Animal is a proprietary combination of natural microorganisms designed to improve the health and vitality of stock. EM Animal is an innovative animal probiotic which is based around our core EM product and then given an additional boost of beneficial bacteria.  

EM Animal is to be used to help maintain healthy stock and decrease vet bills.

The use of EM Animal has shown to improve vitality of animals, decrease vet costs and improve the feed intake of the animals. Tests have shown that due to regular use of EM Animal positive microorganisms are cultivated in the gut – this strengthens the immune system and thus the animal's resistance. Vitalised and healthy animals lower your operational costs, whilst at the same time an increase in appetite combined with greater feed conversion leads to increased profitability.

EM Animal is an oral probiotic that has shown to:

  • Improve animal performance

  • Enhance gut micro-flora

  • Increase the vitality of the animal

  • Decrease dung odour

  • Improve nutrient uptake

  • Increase feed conversion rates

  • Increases fecundity

  • Reduce stress factors

  • Reduce pathogenic bacteria in the faeces

  • Testimonial

  • Example of effects seen by sheep farmer after using EM Animal:

  • Almost no more diarrhoea in lambs

  • Rumen stabilisation when changing feed

  • Fewer flies

  • Dose Rates

  • Calves:

  • Drench 50ml initial dose, then 2mls per Calf per feed in milk – up to 4mls daily

Initial Dose of 200ml then 20mls per cow per day in between calving and mating, 10mls per cow per day thereafter or apply by spraying onto the feed immediately prior to consumption at above rates

For sheep, lambs, Goats, Pigs, Horses or other animals use 1-2mls per 20kgs daily

EM Animal contains Effective Microorganisms and additional beneficial bacteria, proprietary blend of GRAS registered micro-organisms exempt from registration under the ACVM ACT 1997.

EM Animal is Bio-Grow approved for use in livestock.

Container sizes available are: 5L, 10L, 20L, 200L and 1000L
Contact us for pricing on other sizes



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