Humates - Solid and Soluble
Humates are thousands of years old composted material found above coal seams. Both solid and soluble humates contain all the micro nutrients that were originally readily available in our soils, many of these nutrients have been lost due to the way agricultural and horticultural activities have been carried out. Humates - solid and soluble have the ability to scavenge excess sodium from soils and to interact and reduce the availability of toxic heavy metals. Some studies show that they reduce the availability of toxins in the soil, whether these be excesses in micro nutrients or residues from products used. 10% humate added to nitrogen applications reduces leaching and loss. Humates also increase soil carbon which significantly increases the moisture holding capacity of soil. Binding fertilisers to carbon stabilises soil nutrients and virtually eliminates leaching and lock-up of applied nutrients. Humates - solid and soluble are critical in facilitating the efficient uptake of calcium and phosphate. Humates provide an ideal home for soil microbes and soil populations of bacteria and fungi thrive on the addition of humates. Testing of soils for microbial populations generally shows increased colonies of bacteria and fungi due the the humic and fulvic portions of a high quality humate.
Fulvic acid is often alluded to as the second sun as it has the ability to lift brix in overcast and cold weather, lifting brix, equates to the increasing of plant sugars, this can help reduce frost damage, boost growth and higher sugars leave plants less prone to pest and disease pressure. Fulvic acid is often recommended as a foliar application over the cooler months, both for pasture and orchard crops.