Leaf and Pasture and Leaf Testing
Leaf testing helps us to ascertain whether the nutrients that are theoretically available in the soil are plant available. Availability may may hindered due to such things as mineral antagonisms or weather conditions. Once we can see what is happening in the plant, foliars can be blended to specifically address any deficiencies and enable the plant (pasture) to perform better until the soil imbalances have been addressed. This information also enables a better understanding of what may be happening in the soil and we can then be more specific as to how certain soil issues are addressed.
Where pasture testing is taken, these are looked at not only in light of plant health, but also as to how they fit into the animal diet, where animals are fed complimentary feeds, these can be adjusted according to the nutrient availability in the pasture, greatly enhancing the ability to give animals a more nutritionally correct diet. Regular pasture testing can significantly reduce the cost of bought in feed.
Foliar recommendations will be aimed at lifting and balancing plant nutrient levels, bearing in mind that many non beneficial insects dislike seaweed and that when a plant has perfectly balanced nutrients, it becomes unpalatable to insects. Thus we work in this manner to reduce the requirement for pesticides.