Naturphos Autumn Pasture Blend
Naturphos Autumn Pasture Blend is a combination production containing 50% NPK 8-10-5, Maritime 50/50 fish and seaweed with Good to Grow Humate and Seasoned Sulphur.
With nitrogen being applied via the leaf, the efficacy is increased and this blend generally grows a good winter pasture and put on as soon as rains arrive after drought (not much rain required), or even early morning after a good heavy dew, this blend will recharge the 'battery' in rye grass and re-start nutrient cycling.
Naturphos Autumn Pasture Blend can also be applied with EM Soil and Crop to stimulate and re-populate beneficial micro-organisms in the soil. This combination has been shown to hasten pasture recovery post drought.
Where soil and leaf tests are available we can further tailor our product range to suit your requirements.
For application rates, optimal application times and information specific to your property, please contact us.
Sizes available: 200L, 1000L
20L & 100L containers may be available on request
As this is a blended product it is not available in 20L containers, however, 100L containers may be available on request.
Naturphos recylcle containers wherever possible, if new containers are a requirement, advise of this when ordering.
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