
The application of Zeolite in plant nutrition  - Zeolite in agriculture improves fertilizer use efficiency, thereby contributing to improved plant growth and consequently enhances the yield and nutrient density of the pasture and/or crop. Zeolite help to retain nutrients and improve long term soil quality by enhancing its absorption ability, in particular for nitrogen (N), potassium (K),  calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and micro-elements. An application of zeolite will enhance the plant growth and development by reducing the loss of nutrients.

Zeolite may retain water up to 60% of it's weight due to the high porosity of the crystalline structure, thereby improving the water holding capacity of the soil and can provide prolonged moisture during dry periods. 

The open structure of zeolite helps improve the oxygen content of the soil which may improve plant growth. This open structure allows soils to contain more oxygen and may help open up tight clay soils. Zeolite can be applied in conjunction with Biochar and EM Foundation along with other soil amendments to correct the soil balance where required.

Zeolite may be considered as a capital investment as one application will last many years in the soil.

Zeolite contains silica, which in its available form is often in short supply in New Zealand soils.

The combined honeycomb framework and net negative charge, allows Zeolite to both absorb liquids and adsorb compounds. Zeolite works both like a sponge and a magnet; soaking up liquids and exchanging magnetic compounds, making it suitable for a variety of purposes from eliminating odour to cleaning up oil spills to reducing nitrogen and phosphorus leachate on farms.

For ease of transferring Zeolite to your fert spreader, take a look at the Fledbag


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